Damien Roudeau

Damien draws in groups, be it with the inhabitants of an estate in Villiers-le-Bel (villiersrebel.tumblr.com), in gold mines with journalists from the Argos collective (www.collectifargos.com), or in Shandong, China with the Tribulants (carnettistes-tribulants.com).  He also draws sometimes cartoon strips of them too.

Date City Interventions Summary Media
2013-11-14 Royat-Chamalières Damien Roudeau - drawer

Damien draws in groups, be it with the inhabitants of an estate in Villiers-le-Bel (villiersrebel.tumblr.com), in gold mines with journalists from the Argos collective (www.collectifargos.com), or in Shandong, China with the Tribulants (carnettistes-tribulants.com).  He also draws sometimes cartoon strips of them too.
