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Marion Vansingle
SOURCE project coordinator
Phone : + 33 (0)4 73 34 70 71
Mobile Phone : + 33 (0)6 63 04 05 24
Professor of Contemporary Art History at the University Bordeaux 3, Dominique Jarassé has furthered research in various areas, from painting to African and Oceanic art, as well as landscape architecture. His most pioneering work is still the book Synagogues Une architecture de lidentite juive (Synagogues: Jewish identity in architecture), in which he addresses Jewish architecture from historical, tourist, sociological and religious angles, based on the experiences of emblematic figures such as Georges Pérec, Modigliani, and Chagall, as well as Dreyfus.
Date | City | Interventions | Summary | Media |
2013-11-14 | Royat-Chamalières | The Spa Towns, Literary show of Europe - Dominique Jarassé | The intervention of Dominique Jarrassé focuses on travels, the link with thermalism and the development of a specific culture of spa towns. |