Katia Chapoutier

Katia Chapoutier was born in 1973. Producer for Des racines et des ailes in France 3 channel, she also works regularly for France Culture doing radio documentaries. Curious, she always looks the world on an innocent angle. This personal approach charms Radio Canada listeners for over 10 years.
Normal young woman, Parisian, blogger, producer, mother, lover and friend. Curious about the world and people, but not particularly expert about history of religions and even less in political science. Give her a little pink bag and let her in Jerusalem, with her 5 year old daughter who is never at a loss for words. What do we understand about this city when we do not have the codes? Which encounters can we do walking freely? What do we learn about ourselves when we grow up into the largest place of spirituality of the world? "Lost in Jerusalem" offers an uninhibited look without being simplistic about the thrice-holy city. This is going to touch lovers of Jerusalem, passionate people who are going there and to inspire travelers that prefer reading to escape differently.

Date City Interventions Summary Media
2013-11-14 Royat-Chamalières Jerusalem - Katia Chapoutier
