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Marion Vansingle
SOURCE project coordinator
Phone : + 33 (0)4 73 34 70 71
Mobile Phone : + 33 (0)6 63 04 05 24
Historian and film critic, author of numerous publications on the history of cinema, of film and literature, on the Italian film culture at the beginning of the 1900s. President of the Italian Association for Research on the History of Cinema, he worked at the Experimental Center of Cinematography Rome and taught film history at the Academy of Fine Arts of Frosinone. He has participated in numerous exhibitions and important film events as a speaker.
Date | City | Interventions | Summary | Media |
2014-07-26 | Fiuggi | Massimo Cardillo | In his evocative title Bread, Cinema & Fantasy which paraphrases the famour De Sicas film, Massimo Cardillo starts from the undeniable importance that every spa town can have in various projects related to cinema in its relation to the spirit, history and culture that has always animated it. Cinema becomes a driving force for tourism when you create interest and knowledge in the same area. Cinema is a visual symbol of places, ways of being and other cultures. The screen changes the perception of people and history. The cinema is a collective imagination that creates paradigms and symbolism. The history of cinema is a form of cultural symbol useful to form the new European citizen. A short but rich overview of the work of De Sica who has always seen the close links between Ciociaria and cinema. Fiuggi, therefore, is a focal point for future strategies in the culture, tourism and cinematographic production that cannot but be saved by the memory of Vittorio De Sica, Marcello Mastroianni, Nino Manfredi, the Bragaglia brothers (Anton Giulio, Carlo Ludovico, Arturo), Tina Lattanzi, Daniele Paris, Antonio Valente and Eduardo Paolozzi. Cinema shout be studied, discovered and investigated. |